The kindlier version of the TPPA, the Comprehensive and Progressive TransPacific Partnership Agreement, has been in the press recently, with an excellent article from Simon Foote of Bankside Chambers in the NBR (sorry, I can’t link it, as it’s behind a firewall), and an article in the UK’s CDR magazine, in which Daniel Kalderimis from Chapman Tripp sheds some light on the revisions, and there are some nice quotes from Deborah Hart and from me in our AMINZ capacities.
For the moment, the CPTPPA remains stalled. In the joint Ministerial Statement, released on 11 November while all representatives of the signing States were in Vietnam, a number of provisions in the original TPPA (of primary importance to the US) were suspended. Formal signature, and final ratification remains up in the air, particularly with Canada suffering what appears to be speed wobble. It’s a case of “watch this space”.